Top 10 unsuccessful plastic surgery stars. Photos before and after Soviet, Russian, foreign, Hollywood actors

The stars constantly resort to plastic surgery to correct imperfections in appearance. There are cases in which plastic surgery is unsuccessful, and the photos before the operation look much better than after.

Plastic - how justified is the risk?

Plastic surgery technologies are developing rapidly, but the danger of mistakes still exists. To decide on an appearance correction, you need to be completely confident in choosing a clinic and a doctor. It is important to consider such points as the qualifications and experience of the surgeon, the license of the institution. It is better to check all formalities in advance than to correct mistakes all your life.

The consequences of unsuccessful plastic surgery operations:

  • introduction of infection;
  • seroma;
  • scarring;
  • internal bleeding;
  • nerve damage;
  • necrosis;
  • side effect of anesthesia;
  • hematomas.Top 10 unsuccessful plastic surgery stars. Photos before and after Soviet, Russian, foreign, Hollywood actors

The surgeon who will perform the operation must be familiar with the history and heredity of the person. Smoking and drinking alcohol can cause complications. Before plastic surgery, the patient must pass the necessary tests and check the tolerance of the drugs used.

When drastic changes are not needed, you can use some salon procedures.

Alternative methods of rejuvenation without surgery:

  • face building;
  • lifting;
  • peeling;Top 10 unsuccessful plastic surgery stars. Photos before and after Soviet, Russian, foreign, Hollywood actors
  • facial massage;
  • acupuncture.

Top 10 Soviet and Russian stars before after plastic surgery

Unsuccessful plastic surgery of stars, photos before and after which will be presented later, is a reason to think seriously before agreeing to an operation. Striving for the ideal of beauty, women resort to plastic surgery, not always thinking about the consequences.

Many Russian pop and show business stars used the services of surgeons to change their appearance, but not all received a positive result.

Celebrities whose plastic is visible to the naked eye:

  • Masha Malinovskaya;
  • Masha Rasputin;
  • Olga Buzova;
  • Maria Maksakova;
  • Svetlana Loboda;
  • Ekaterina Barnabas;
  • Lera Kudryavtseva;
  • Alena Shishkova;
  • Vera Alentova;
  • Alexa.

Masha Malinovskaya

The TV presenter often did injections for lip augmentation, which caused the upper lip to take an unnatural shape, taking on the appearance of a hare. The girl also had an unsuccessful mammoplasty, during which implants of different sizes were inserted into her breasts. Fortunately, these surgical errors can now be corrected without significant consequences for appearance and health.Top 10 unsuccessful plastic surgery stars. Photos before and after Soviet, Russian, foreign, Hollywood actors

Unconfirmed fact that Maria did blepharoplasty, but her gaze became more open. The TV presenter herself admits that she had terrible complexes from childhood about her appearance, but now, apparently, she cannot stop in pursuit of an ideal.

Masha Rasputina

Masha Rasputina always amazed the audience with extravagant images and strove to preserve her youth as long as possible. We can definitely say that the star corrected the shape of the nose, did a facelift and changed the shape of the lips.Top 10 unsuccessful plastic surgery stars. Photos before and after Soviet, Russian, foreign, Hollywood actors

Not all of the changes were good for her due to constant injections of Botox, the face became like a doll, and the singer still denies the fact that she used the services of plastic surgeons. Still, the years take their toll, and the age cannot be hidden behind numerous operations.

Olga Buzova

Having followed the star path of the presenter and singer Olga Buzova from the beginning to the present, you can notice changes not only in hair color, but also in her facial features. In the interview, Olga is an adherent of natural beauty, but when comparing her 3-year-old photographs, the changes are clearly noticeable.

The singer did:

  • lip contouring;
  • cheekbone correction;
  • corrected the shape of the nose;
  • got rid of mimic wrinkles.Top 10 unsuccessful plastic surgery stars. Photos before and after Soviet, Russian, foreign, Hollywood actors

Aesthetic procedures did not worsen the star's appearance, but only corrected it for the better.

Maria Maksakova

Opera singer Maria Maksakova performed a number of face and body corrections.

She underwent rhinoplasty and lip augmentation:

  • the nose has become smaller;
  • facial features were made more accurate;
  • the lips have acquired more volume.Top 10 unsuccessful plastic surgery stars.Photos before and after Soviet, Russian, foreign, Hollywood actors

Maria reshaped her face and eliminated signs of aging.

Also were made:

  • eyelid lift;
  • breast augmentation;
  • smoothing wrinkles with fillers.

The star has radically changed her appearance compared to her photographs in her youth.

Svetlana Loboda

On the question of whether Svetlana Loboda had plastic surgery, it is difficult to answer unequivocally, since there were practically no cardinal changes in her appearance. Plastic surgery specialists suggest that the star is injecting anti-wrinkles and correcting the shape of the lips.Top 10 unsuccessful plastic surgery stars. Photos before and after Soviet, Russian, foreign, Hollywood actors

The singer's cheekbones began to stand out sharply due to the introduction of hyaluronic fillers, and the skin remains smooth due to Botox injections. The singer's nose cannot be called perfect, but she does not change its shape.

Ekaterina Barnabas

The plastic of the star of Catherine Barnabas cannot be called unsuccessful, the photos before and after are strikingly different. The telediva has recently significantly changed her appearance, hair color and facial features. The elongated nose attracted too much attention, so the star decided to reduce it surgically. The tip of the nose was slightly raised, but the shape remained natural.Top 10 unsuccessful plastic surgery stars. Photos before and after Soviet, Russian, foreign, Hollywood actors

Catherine removed Bisha's lumps to make her cheeks more sunken and her cheekbones pointed. Also, the Comedy Woman star has eliminated expression lines with beauty injections and corrected the shape of the mouth. Possibly a mid and lower face lift has been done.

Lera Kudryavtseva

TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva has repeatedly done rejuvenating procedures, which allows her to look somewhat younger than her years. Experienced experts say that the star used biogel injections to get rid of nasolabial folds and increase lip volume.

Most likely, Valeria underwent a breast lift and correction after giving birth. The presenter corrected the unevenness of the nasal plate and tightened the skin of the eyelids.

Alena Shishkova

The face of Alena Shishkova seems to many to be ideal, but here it was not without plastics. You can find out what operations the famous fashion model did by looking at her photo at a young age. It is noticeable that the hump on the nose has disappeared and its shape has changed slightly. Alena's lips became plump.Top 10 unsuccessful plastic surgery stars. Photos before and after Soviet, Russian, foreign, Hollywood actors

The model's cheekbones have become sharply defined thanks to the removal of Bish's lumps. By tightening the skin on the forehead, the eyebrows are raised and the gaze is more open.

Vera Alentova

Unsuccessful plastic stars (before and after photos can be seen later in the article) sometimes attracts the attention of viewers more than creative activity. The hobby of the actress Vera Alentova for plastic surgery did not give the expected positive result.

It is noticeable that the star underwent such operations as:

  • blepharoplasty;Top 10 unsuccessful plastic surgery stars. Photos before and after Soviet, Russian, foreign, Hollywood actors
  • rhinoplasty;
  • circular facelift;
  • botulinum toxin injections;
  • liposuction of the lower part of the face.

After interventions by unskilled surgeons:

  • the face of the actress has lost its mimic functions;
  • features are distorted;
  • scars appeared.Top 10 unsuccessful plastic surgery stars. Photos before and after Soviet, Russian, foreign, Hollywood actors

Now Alentova managed to slightly correct the unsuccessful plastic surgery, but still her face has changed beyond recognition.


The Star Factory alumna Alexa has ended her music career, but some fans are still following her changes in appearance via social media. Alexandra's first operation was lip augmentation with biogel. Then came the plastic surgery of the nose: elimination of the hump and correction of the tip.Top 10 unsuccessful plastic surgery stars. Photos before and after Soviet, Russian, foreign, Hollywood actors

The oval of the face was also changed, the cheekbones and chin were corrected. At the moment, the singer's appearance has changed significantly compared to her photo at the age of 17.

Foreign stars and Hollywood idols: photos before and after unsuccessful plastic surgery

The unsuccessful plastic surgery of the stars (photos before and after the operations of Hollywood idols will be presented later) is the result of a constant striving for a distant ideal and a rejection of one's natural appearance. Many foreign stars have suffered from the wrong choice of a surgeon or too frequent surgical interventions.

The most striking examples are:

  • Mickey Rourke;
  • Michael Jackson;
  • Donatello Versace.

These stars have changed their appearance not for the better and these mistakes have become irreparable.


The queen of foreign stage Madonna did not have cardinal transformations, but nevertheless she is a frequent guest of plastic surgery clinics.

The singer constantly does:

  • facelift;
  • botox injections;
  • lipofilling (injections of your own fat cells).Top 10 unsuccessful plastic surgery stars. Photos before and after Soviet, Russian, foreign, Hollywood actors

The contour of the Madonna's face remains clear, there are no deep wrinkles and skin folds. For some unknown reason, the singer does not devote as much time to her hands, loose skin which betrays her age.

Joan Rivers

The comedy actress Joan Rivers' passion for plastic was excessive. Joan has always been skeptical about her appearance and sought to transform her face and body in every possible way.

The actress did the following operations:

  • eyelid lift;
  • correction of the shape of the nose;
  • face lifting;
  • chin plastic;
  • breast augmentation.Top 10 unsuccessful plastic surgery stars. Photos before and after Soviet, Russian, foreign, Hollywood actors

The star's facial features began to look unnatural, but this did not stop her in pursuit of perfection.

Donatella Versace

Too frequent plastic surgeries have turned the face of Italian fashion designer Donatella Versace from pretty to rough and puffy. The increase in lip volume made the mouth disproportionately large. The reshaping of the nose was unsuccessful, and the hump and unevenness were not corrected.Top 10 unsuccessful plastic surgery stars. Photos before and after Soviet, Russian, foreign, Hollywood actors

It is noticeable that due to frequent laser resurfacing and lifting, the skin of the face has become thinner and looks like a wax mask. Donatella also underwent mammoplasty.

Jocelyn Wildenstein

Famous catwoman Jocelyn Wildenstein reshaped her face beyond recognition. The woman was constantly injecting collagen, which turned her face into a puffy mask. To become like a cat, Jocelyn placed implants in her cheekbones, cheeks and chin.Top 10 unsuccessful plastic surgery stars. Photos before and after Soviet, Russian, foreign, Hollywood actors

Her lips swollen from frequent injections and narrowed eyes further disfigured her appearance.

Michael Jackson

At the height of his popularity, American pop star Michael Jackson took up changes in his appearance. The singer significantly narrowed the bridge of his nose and made facial contouring.

An implant was inserted into the chin and an eyelid lift was performed. Correction of the shape of the nose led to the fact that it began to fail, and implantation of cartilage was necessary.Jackson is said to have suffered from body dysmorphic disorder (a disease in which a person is extremely worried about defects in their appearance).

Lindsey Lohan

Lindsay Lohan, famous for her outrageous antics, often used the services of plastic surgeons.Top 10 unsuccessful plastic surgery stars. Photos before and after Soviet, Russian, foreign, Hollywood actors First, the star enlarged her breasts, later made her lips more plump. Also, the actress eliminated wrinkles by introducing fillers.

Nicole Kidman

A beauty in her youth, Nicole Kidman began to get carried away with beauty injections in adulthood. Frequent injections disturbed the actress's facial expressions, her face became puffy and unemotional.Top 10 unsuccessful plastic surgery stars. Photos before and after Soviet, Russian, foreign, Hollywood actors In addition, Nicole changed the shape and contour of her mouth, did breast augmentation and lift.

Kim Basinger

Unsuccessful plastic stars (photos before and after confirm this) transforms natural beauty into a tight mask. So it happened with the actress Kim Basinger. Top 10 unsuccessful plastic surgery stars. Photos before and after Soviet, Russian, foreign, Hollywood actorsAfter the facelift and blepharoplasty, it seems that Kim has a constantly surprised face. The actress's eyes narrowed and her eyebrows rose too high.

Uma Thurman

Changes in the face of Uma Thurman became noticeable. The skin of the face became taut, and plastic surgery of the lower eyelid was performed. Additional volume was added to the cheeks, possibly a chemical peel. In general, the natural appearance of the actress did not suffer from plastic surgery.

Renee Zellweger

Renee Zellweger's plastic surgeries differ. Many experts suggest that in her case, only regular cosmetic procedures were carried out.

Top 10 unsuccessful plastic surgery stars. Photos before and after Soviet, Russian, foreign, Hollywood actors
Unsuccessful plastic surgery was done by Rene, and all this for different roles in films.

Perhaps the star injected botulinum toxins and fillers to smooth the skin. Rene also underwent mammoplasty surgery.

Meg Ryan

With age, actress Meg Ryan began to get involved in aesthetic surgery, but at one point the result stunned everyone. The star's face was stretched so that it was difficult for her to smile. Apparently, numerous lifting and rhinoplasty procedures resulted in such a disastrous result. A year later, she managed to correct the mistakes of the surgeons, and her face began to look more natural.

Tara Reed

Actress Tara Reed was constantly dissatisfied with her body in her youth, which forced her to correct the shape of her breasts and do frequent liposuction of the abdomen and buttocks. Top 10 unsuccessful plastic surgery stars. Photos before and after Soviet, Russian, foreign, Hollywood actorsThese treatments resulted in an anorexic appearance with irregular breast volume. But the star herself likes her appearance, and in her thinness she does not see anything wrong.

Armanda Lepore

It's hard to believe that transsexual Armanda Lepore was once a pretty boy.

Her first operation was rhinoplasty, then - sex change and many operations on:

  • face;
  • hips;
  • breasts;
  • buttocks.Top 10 unsuccessful plastic surgery stars. Photos before and after Soviet, Russian, foreign, Hollywood actors

The extravagant model removed her ribs to achieve a slimmer waist effect. The number of surgeries on Armanda's body is already impossible to count, but she does not stop there.

Janice Dickinson

Former model Janice Dickinson periodically does skin tightening and filler injections. An unhealthy lifestyle negatively affected her appearance, and cosmetic procedures are no longer able to correct the mistakes of youth.

Janice often does:

  • botox injections;
  • lifting;Top 10 unsuccessful plastic surgery stars. Photos before and after Soviet, Russian, foreign, Hollywood actors
  • liposuction.

Daryl Hannah

When Daryl Hannah's youth began to fade, the actress decided to turn to plastic surgeons.

Subsequently, the following operations were carried out:

  • correction of the shape of the eyelids and eyebrows;
  • facelift;
  • botulinum toxin injections;
  • lip plastic.

The actress's skin became taut and lifeless, her eyes - too surprised, the shape of her mouth - blurred.

Dolly Parton

Singer Dolly Parton stands out for her oversized breasts. The star corrected the shape of the chin, did repeated face and neck lifts. Top 10 unsuccessful plastic surgery stars. Photos before and after Soviet, Russian, foreign, Hollywood actorsDolly carefully monitors her weight and sometimes resorts to liposuction.

Courteney Cox

The appearance of the heroine of the series "Friends" Courtney Cox has changed somewhat recently. Perhaps there were no serious surgical interventions, beauty injections or lipofilling were made.So the star corrected the oval of the face and got rid of deep wrinkles.

Mickey Rourke

After boxing fights, actor Mickey Rourke had to go under the surgeon's knife. His face was practically altered: rhinoplasty, restoration of a fractured cheekbone, all kinds of braces. Top 10 unsuccessful plastic surgery stars. Photos before and after Soviet, Russian, foreign, Hollywood actorsBut, to the chagrin of fans, he no longer looked like the handsome young man from the movie "9 and a half weeks."

Famous idols who upset their fans with plastic surgery

Many celebrities have made the mistake of getting carried away with aesthetic surgery in pursuit of eternal youth and beauty.

For some stars of show business, plastic turned out to be an unsuccessful idea (photos before and after can be seen above). For example, actress Melanie Griffith, after experimenting with her appearance, began to look older than her age.

The star of the Turkish television series "The Magnificent Century" Meryem Uzerli lost her natural beauty, turning into a typical blonde doll.Top 10 unsuccessful plastic surgery stars. Photos before and after Soviet, Russian, foreign, Hollywood actors

No one can guarantee the ideal result of the operation, but it rarely stops the stars who want to always remain at the peak of popularity.

Article design: Mila Friedan

Video about stars before and after plastic surgery

12 stars before and after plastic surgery:

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Cosmetology and plastic surgery for women. Correction of appearance. Ways, methods, procedures to improve the figure and face
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  1. Alina

    Mickey Rourke was so handsome despite his fighting injuries. How disfigured his plastic (

    To answer
  2. Olga

    Meryem was such a beauty in BB and disfigured herself with these terrible lips, a swollen face with thin hairs, a heavy and sharp chin, which now can only hammer in nails or stab nuts. Sorry. She had such an unusual, unbroken, aristocratic face ... And now it's just horror flying on the wings of the night

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