Intercostal muscles. Where are located, functions, how to pump up, exercises. Video

The intercostal muscles are a group of internal chest musclesthat are in the intercostal spaces. Thanks to their contraction, a person breathes. Exercising the intercostal muscles can help reduce shortness of breath, improve posture and increase the amount of air flowing into the lungs.

The intercostal muscles are located between the ribs and are a group of 22 pairs of muscles. They help move the chest during breathing because they strengthen the chest area and protect the lungs.


The breathing process consists of 2 parts: inhalation and exhalation. During a deep breath, the size of the chest cavity is enlarged to allow additional air to flow into the lungs. The external intercostal muscles are stimulated during a deep breath to raise and extend the ribs.

The external intercostal muscles expand the rib cage, lifting and lengthening the chest. They are innervated by intercostal nerves originating in the thoracic segments of the spinal cord. Contraction of these muscles lifts the chest up and out, thereby expanding the chest cavity and reducing pressure within the lung, forcing air into the lungs.

A deep breath works in a similar way to a deep breath, but uses the internal intercostal muscles to pull the ribs lower and closer together. When the ribs are compressed, the volume of the chest cavity decreases, as a result of which air is released from the lungs.


22 pairs of intercostal muscles are divided into two groups: 11 pairs of internal and 11 pairs of external. Each rib is connected to the other rib below it by both the external and internal intercostal muscles. The twelfth rib is an exception as it is the lowest rib.

Intercostal muscles. Where are located, functions, how to pump up, exercises. Video
The figure shows the location of the external and internal intercostal muscles.

The external intercostal muscles are found along the lower borders of the first 11 ribs. The fibers of the outer intercostal spaces run obliquely. Contraction of the external muscles raises the ribs and pushes them apart.

The internal intercostal muscles are located along the upper border of the second to twelfth ribs, and their insertions are formed along the lower borders of the upper rib.

The fibers of the inner intercostal space run obliquely from above and behind at right angles to the fibers of the outer intercostal space. The contraction of the internal muscles presses on the ribs and pulls them closer together. The intercostal muscles form two thin layers that enclose each of the intercostal spaces.

These spaces contain two layers of muscle in the lateral part and one layer in the ventral. The external intercostal muscle in this area, however, is duplicated in each interval by a thin, triangular muscle that originates from the tip of the transverse process of the vertebra and fan out into the lateral part.

Essence and basic principles

While the ribs protect the lungs, the muscles help the lungs expand and contract. A person uses the intercostal muscles every day to laugh, talk and just breathe. Strengthening these muscles will increase lung capacity and improve the respiratory system.

Strengthening the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm increases the efficiency of the respiratory system by expanding and strengthening the lungs, according to the American Board of Physical Education. This means that a person can take in more oxygen in order to fuel muscles during exercise and sports. These benefits are relevant not only for athletes, but for all people.

Intercostal muscles. Where are located, functions, how to pump up, exercises. Video

The intercostal muscles are located between the ribs, which means that exercise should focus on these and the immediate areas - the external oblique abdominal cavity, located on the sides, in the front of the torso, which extends from the last ribs to the iliac ridge.

Indications for the beginning of use

The intercostal muscles are located in a place where it is difficult to injure them. They also get injured due to sudden movements when a person suddenly bends or twists the upper body. The speed of recovery depends on the gradation of muscle tension, which indicates the degree of injury.

Muscle tension can be represented in a small table as follows:

Voltage degreeSymptoms
1st degreeWeak muscle tension, only some muscle fibers are damaged. Recovery time takes about two to three weeks.
2nd degreeModerate muscle tension, most of the muscle fibers are engaged, but the muscles are not torn. Recovery time - three to six weeks
Grade 3Severe trauma, complete muscle rupture. Surgery is often necessary. Recovery can take up to three months.

Intercostal muscles. Where are located, functions, how to pump up, exercises. Video

Muscles are recruited during activities that include twisting the torso, especially when lifting heavy objects or over-stretching the arms. In sports, these injuries can be caused by poor warm-up, improper exercise, or over-training.

Exercises for the intercostal muscles will not only help to avoid injuries in this area, or quickly recover from their consequences, but also make breathing clearer, help to cope with shortness of breath.

When a person runs, he breathes much harder and more often than when he is not engaged in vigorous activity. The intercostal muscles allow more air to enter the lungs. Therefore, these muscles help the body to adapt to all the inhalation and exhalation required during exercise.

Without them, the body would not be able to adapt to the physiological changes that come with exercise. This is why strong intercostal muscles increase endurance and reduce shortness of breath.

The intercostal muscles are located where they are responsible for controlling breathing. Therefore, due to insufficiently developed muscles, people during physical exertion feel cramps, fatigue, and lack of oxygen. Thus, there are benefits to strengthening the intercostal muscles, such as improving posture and breathing.

Contraindications for use

Contraindications to performing exercises on the intercostal muscles are quite rare, because do not require serious physical activity. Restrictions are often temporary. If a person feels significant pain in the areas near the intercostal muscles, then first of all he should consult a specialist.

Also, people who have, or have had injuries in the intercostal muscles, diseases in the lungs, abdomen, ribs, or if operations were performed on these places should be approached with caution.

Main complex

It is impossible to engage only the intercostal muscles, because they are not the only ones involved in the breathing process. Only with the coordinated work of the body, the intercostal muscles expand the ribs.

Ideally, when a person is exercising properly, their chest moves last and least. Breathing exercises, special training movements and even yoga poses help to strengthen the intercostal muscles.

Deep breathing

The sequence of actions when performing the exercise should be as follows:

  1. Stand up to full height, or sit down with your back and neck straight.
  2. Inhale as deeply as possible, but so that the inhalation does not cause discomfort, then relax.
  3. Concentrate on breathing with the lower part of the lungs (it is advisable not to raise the shoulders).
  4. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

Intercostal muscles. Where are located, functions, how to pump up, exercises. Video

For optimal performance of the exercise, the ribs should be free, not constrained or pinched by anything. For this it is important to straighten your back. This will also stretch the intercostal muscles.

To prevent seizures, the last meal should be at least an hour ago. Deep breathing exercises like this can make you feel slightly dizzy, which is normal.

Foam video

You need to place a special exercise roller under your upper back. Breathe normally while keeping your back and neck relaxed. It is necessary to hold in this position for 15 to 90 seconds, provided that it is comfortable and does not cause pain. This exercise can be done by raising your arms above your head.

Rotation while lying down

Start the exercise while lying on your back. Bend your legs and slowly raise your knees, and then tilt them to one side and the other. Repeat 10 times.

Dumbbell pull-up

First you need to lie on your back, on a bench, make sure that your head, neck and both legs are straight. Hold one dumbbell with both hands directly over the chest, keeping a slight tilt at the elbows. Then lift the dumbbell up and lower it behind your head, as far as possible. Repeat 5-10 times.

Side bar

Exercise to strengthen the lateral press and intercostal muscles at the same time. You need to lie on your side, put your bent arm parallel to your shoulder, while it should be stretched out to the side, approximately at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the shoulder.

Intercostal muscles. Where are located, functions, how to pump up, exercises. Video

The feet should be placed on top of each other so that the legs are together, then stand on your own forearm. The second hand must be placed on the body - it does not participate in the exercise in any way. This exercise is a kind of plank. You need to repeat on both sides.

Slant heel

You need to lie on the floor with your knees bent, your feet should rest on the floor with their entire surface. The knees are pointed straight up. Looking at the ceiling, you need to slightly raise your head, neck and shoulders. Keeping your hands at your sides, reach for one heel. Then return the hand to its original position and repeat the same on the other side.

Intercostal Breathing

To perform intercostal breathing, you need to stand up and extend both arms above your head. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, stretch your arms to the right, stretching the intercostal muscles on the left side of the body. On exhalation, return to the starting position; on the next exhalation, stretch your arms to the left, stretching the intercostal muscles of the right arm. Repeat the exercise twice on each side.

Cat pose

You need to get on all fours, align your knees with your hips, and your hands with your shoulders. While inhaling, raise your head and tailbone. As you exhale, round your back. Repeat this pose at least 10 times.

Exercise schedule for the week

Start each workout with a short run. It is during running, when a person begins to breathe harder, that the work of the intercostal muscles is most clearly visible. It is impossible to clearly select exercises for everyone, because all cases are individual. In one workout, you need to perform 4-5 of the above exercises.

Start with lighter exercises and gradually move on to harder ones.

It is worth doing three workouts a week. Over time, when the body gets used to the stress, you can switch to four workouts per week. Each person must modify the exercise schedule himself, because all people have different physical forms, different characteristics of strength, endurance and body flexibility.

Intercostal muscles. Where are located, functions, how to pump up, exercises. Video

People with different fitness will perform one exercise in different ways. I do not know the physical form of a person, it is impossible to give the exact number of exercises, the time of their execution, and even more so the weights with which you need to work.That is why a person must be subjected to adequate stress, depending on his physical fitness.

Below is an example of how a schedule might look, you can take this as a basis and, based on the given schedule, make your own:

  • Intercostal breathing
  • Rotation while lying down
  • Cat pose
  • Side bar
  • Deep breathing
  • Foam video
  • Dumbbell pull-up
  • Cat pose
  • Side bar
  • Intercostal breathing
  • Slant heel
  • Rotation while lying down
  • Slant heel
  • Side bar


Although the exercises themselves do not require significant physical exertion, overuse of the intercostal muscles can lead to injury or strain. Therefore, you need to allow sufficient recovery time between workouts.

Fixing the result

Besides exercise, there are other ways to strengthen the intercostal muscles. Some of them refer to situations when a person is already experiencing pain and discomfort in this area, another part is useful, even if there is no visible discomfort.

If a person has already been injured, or is experiencing pain and discomfort, then the following actions should be taken:

  • Protection. It is necessary to protect the muscles from discomfort so as not to aggravate the situation. Specifically, actions that cause pain should be avoided. For example, twisting the torso.
  • Recreation. In fact, this item also refers to protection. You need to give the muscles a rest and bother them less. Avoid activities involving heavy and rapid breathing. For example, physical activity.
  • Splinting or fixation of the damaged area.
  • Cold: Ice packs applied to the painful area for the first 48 hours help reduce inflammation. Apply cold items, ice packs, or frozen foods for ten to fifteen minutes every two to four hours. Ice should not come into contact with bare skin, as there is a risk of burns. Exactly the opposite action - high temperature and warming ointments, good for spasms and muscle stiffness.
  • Pain relievers. One of the best over-the-counter pain relievers is paracetamol because there are very few side effects from its action. Anti-inflammatory drugs can delay healing in the first 72 hours. They should be used with caution and only on the advice of a doctor.

Intercostal muscles. Where are located, functions, how to pump up, exercises. Video

If there is no visible discomfort and you need to strengthen the intercostal muscles, then you can take the following actions:

  • Manual therapy: hand care, including soft tissue massage, stretching, and joint mobilization by a physical therapist to improve thoracic spine mobility. Using mobilization techniques can also help relieve pain.
  • Neuromuscular reeducation: correct posture. A person must learn to sit correctly, not stoop and even sleep in the correct positions, sometimes it is recommended to use a corset.
  • Dry acupuncture. This is a very effective method if done correctly. It should be carried out only after consulting with a person who has sufficient knowledge and experience in this area.

The first effect of exercise will come in about two to three weeks. The internal and external intercostal muscles, because of their location in the body, stabilize the mid-body and help perform common tasks such as bending, walking and twisting.

This means that the person will feel the effectiveness of exercise in everyday life. In the long term, strong intercostal muscles will help improve posture and reduce shortness of breath.

Intercostal muscles video

How to properly pump the intercostal muscles:

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