Correction of permanent eyebrow makeup. How is healing, care

Classic make-up is the application of decorative cosmetics to the skin to enhance or correct facial features. Permanent differs from the classic one in that dyes are injected subcutaneously to a depth of no more than 0.8 mm, which allows you to maintain an ideal appearance immediately after awakening.

The facial procedure is performed on the eyes (eyeliner), lips and eyebrows. The disadvantages of this type of makeup include the peculiarity of skin care and the need for correction.

What factors influence the result of eyebrow tattooing?

Correction of permanent eyebrow makeup is a must, even when performed in a qualified salon.

The following factors affect the distortion of the tattoo result:

  • specialist qualification... When introducing the composition, it is necessary to correctly calculate the depth of needle insertion and the frequency of punctures. Otherwise, the paint will be unevenly distributed;
  • type of skin... In the presence of oily skin, the injected composition will gradually blur, as a result, several corrections may be required. With dry skin, the coloring pigment is evenly distributed, so the adjustment is minimal;
    Correction of permanent eyebrow makeup. How is healing, care
  • color of the skin... On the dark epidermis, the coloring composition lasts longer due to the increased production of melanin (a coloring pigment responsible for the color of hair, epidermis and eyes);
  • reaction to composition... The skin of each person is individual, but the same reaction develops to the introduction of the composition subcutaneously (getting rid of a foreign body). The sensitivity of the epidermis determines how long the coloring composition will last in the skin;
  • ink injection depth... The deeper the puncture is (there are permissible limits), the longer the composition will be displayed;
  • dye intensity... The brighter and more saturated the color, the longer it lasts;
  • paint quality... Poor quality products are removed from the body faster and change the shade;
  • hormonal background... It can provoke a change in the shade of the coloring composition, as a result, the final result will be violated;
  • age parameter... Up to 25-30 years of age, the renewal of skin cells is more active, therefore, the correction of tattooing is required more often than in adulthood;
  • health status... The stronger the immunity, the more active the fight against foreign matter will be and the faster the paint will be removed from the skin;
  • Lifestyle... Frequent water treatments, prolonged exposure to the sun or frequent visits to the solarium contribute to the leaching / fading of the composition from the skin;
  • compliance with the rules of skin care... In the absence of the necessary care, the skin can dry out and crack, forming crusts, which leads to the development of tattoo defects.

Correction of permanent eyebrow makeup. How is healing, care

The number of correction procedures depends on the combination of these factors.

When is permanent make-up correction necessary?

Correction of permanent eyebrow makeup is always required.Since the individual characteristics of the organism cannot be taken into account even by an experienced master.

Most often, the procedure is carried out in the following cases:

Reason for correctionCharacteristic
Low qualification of a specialist
  • uneven eyebrow contour (non-observance of the bend, eyebrow width);
  • uneven color distribution;
  • the paint is not distributed over the entire area of ​​the eyebrow;
  • getting an unwanted shade;
  • asymmetry of the location of the eyebrows.
Contour violation or blurringIt can develop as a result of a violation of the distribution of pigment due to the individual characteristics of the organism or as a result of non-compliance with the rules during the recovery period.
Uneven composition distributionIt often occurs with oily skin, with uneven tissue regeneration or with self-removal of the crust (it should go away on its own).
The appearance of an unwanted shadeDepends on individual characteristics (skin type, hormones, diet) and on the quality of the coloring composition used.
Fading paintThe pigment can fade with prolonged exposure to the sun, as well as wash out with frequent visits to the pool.

Correction of permanent eyebrow makeup. How is healing, care

These defects are most clearly visible after complete tissue repair. It is during this period that make-up correction is allowed. If an adjustment is required through the fault of the master, then it is recommended to perform the procedure in another salon.

How long does it take for the first correction?

Correction of permanent eyebrow makeup is necessary, since during the main procedure, due to the puncture of the skin with a needle, microtrauma occurs, which are accompanied by swelling. On average, tissue repair takes about 4 weeks.

During this period, the wounds heal (and slightly tighten the skin), tissue edema subsides, as a result, the shape of the eyebrow and the shade of the coloring pigment may change.

Importantly, due to the individual characteristics of the body, the healing process can take from 2 to 4 weeks. Correction is allowed only after complete tissue restoration. On average, the procedure is carried out one month after the tattoo, but no later than 3 months later. During this time, the pigment can completely lighten, as a result, it will be necessary to re-tattoo the eyebrows.

Salons usually offer a discount on adjustments if permanent makeup was performed in the same salon. After the adjustment, the shape and color of the eyebrows look natural.

How often is the procedure done?

Eyebrow tattooing can be done 1 to 5 times. The frequency of permanent make-up depends mainly on age (up to 30 years of age, the procedure is performed more often) and on the type of skin (with oily, correction is also required more often). And also from compliance with the rules of eyebrow skin care.

Correction of permanent eyebrow makeup. How is healing, care
Correction of permanent eyebrow makeup is carried out 1 to 5 times. But the frequency may depend on compliance with the rules of care.

The interval between corrections can be from 6 months to 3 years. On average, up to 30 years, the procedure is required to be performed once a year. After 30 years, the adjustment is prescribed in 2-3 years. After 45 years, the adjustment may not be necessary.

What happens if you do not make a correction?

Ignoring tattoo correction can lead to:

  • to quick lightening of the coloring composition;
  • blurring of the shape of the eyebrows;
  • change in shade;
  • repetition of tattooing, which is longer and more painful than correction. And also more expensive for the price.

In rare cases, no more than 1%, make-up adjustments are not required and the eyebrows retain the desired shape and color for up to 5 years.

Methods for correcting, improving permanent eyebrow makeup

Correction of permanent eyebrow makeup is performed in 3 directions, which are discussed below.


Eyebrow color can be unnaturally bright immediately after tattooing. This is due to the fact that some masters deliberately introduce more dye to take into account future fading. If the tone of the eyebrows after permanent makeup has the desired color, then after recovery from it becomes pale and requires additional injection of pigment under the skin.

Correction of permanent eyebrow makeup. How is healing, care

The procedure takes a little time, and the eyebrows acquire the desired color.

It is more difficult to correct the appearance of an undesirable shade, which may appear as a result of the use of low-quality paint, the influence of hormonal levels or due to the color type of the skin. When using paint with black pigment, the appearance of a blue tint is most often noted, and with brown, a pink tint may appear.

Therefore, these pigments are not recommended for use in eyebrow tattooing. To eliminate unnecessary shade, complete removal of pigment from under the skin using a laser is required. The number of sessions depends on the type of shade. Cold colors are removed faster than warm colors, since the pigment is located closer to the epidermis.

If you need to quickly remove an unwanted shade, you can use a procedure using a remover (composition neutralizing coloring pigment). The procedure is dangerous by tissue damage with the subsequent development of puffiness, scars and impaired hair growth. Therefore, it is used extremely rarely.

Correction of permanent eyebrow makeup. How is healing, care

It is undesirable to overlap an undesired shade with the use of other coloring pigments, since most often the procedure ends with the appearance of another, also undesirable shade. But removing the pigment, in this case, using a laser will be almost impossible.

It is important that the master must use a specialized dye composition to perform permanent makeup. The use of ink for tattooing is not allowed.

Evenness of coverage

Due to the uneven density of the skin, the uneven distribution of fatty tissue, as well as the formation of crusts, the coloring pigment may be unevenly distributed on the eyebrows. During the correction, the master fills the resulting defects with paint.

The procedure is faster, because according to the result obtained, the specialist can determine the reaction of the skin to the pigment and the desired depth of punctures (therefore, it is recommended to carry out tattooing and correction with one specialist).

Eyebrow shape

Eyebrow shape correction is possible in 4 ways:

  • if the eyebrows turned out to be less narrow or short (when compared with the desired result), then the size is increased by the additional introduction of the dye subcutaneously;
  • if the eyebrows, on the contrary, turned out to be wider or longer, then using a laser, the pigment is removed along the required contour;
  • in case of non-observance of the desired bend or with asymmetry, the introduction of a coloring pigment and the use of a laser may be required at the same time;
  • if you want to give the eyebrows a natural shape, without sharply defined borders, the shading method is used.

Correction of permanent eyebrow makeup. How is healing, care

Therefore, when you visit the salon again for the purpose of correction, you need to determine in advance what kind of eyebrow correction is required.

What you need to know about the procedure, how painful is it?

The adjustment procedure consists of 2 main stages:

Procedure stepsRules of conductNotes
TrainingThe result of the correction depends on compliance with the rules during the preparation period:
  • for 14 days, prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin is prohibited (visiting a solarium, sunbathing). In the presence of bright sunlight, use sunscreen and wear wide-brimmed hats;
  • stop using blood thinners in 1.5 weeks. They can provoke the appearance of hematomas and distortion of the result from the procedure;
  • 7 days before the correction, it is required to stop taking antibiotics and drugs that increase the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet light. Otherwise, the likelihood of an unwanted shade is high;
  • you cannot consume alcohol and caffeine-containing drinks per day;
  • do not use decorative cosmetics and creams on the day of the correction.

During menstruation, it is not recommended to carry out the procedure, since due to a change in the hormonal background, an undesirable shade may appear, and also during this period there is an increased pain sensitivity.

The master can discuss additional conditions, depending on the pigment used for correction and the state of health.
CorrectionThe correction procedure is similar to the main procedure for applying permanent makeup:

  1. The client is laid down on a couch.
  2. The wizard specifies what adjustments are required at the request of the client, and also determines the uniformity of coverage and the presence of an unwanted shade.
  3. Brows are degreased and disinfected.
  4. If necessary, a sketch is drawn with a special pencil.
  5. Anesthesia is performed using anesthetic creams / gels or using subcutaneous injections.
  6. The master makes the correction of the tattoo.
  7. After the completion of the procedure, re-treatment with a disinfecting composition is performed and a regenerating and soothing cream is applied.
It is important to correctly explain to the master what does not suit the eyebrow tattoo. And also follow the rules (discussed by a specialist after the procedure) during the recovery period.

Correction of permanent eyebrow makeup. How is healing, care

Correction is considered a less painful procedure than tattooing, since a smaller area of ​​the skin is injured and takes less time (no more than 40 minutes, tattooing can last up to 3 hours).

Post-correction healing and skin care

Correction of permanent eyebrow makeup is performed (mainly) by injecting a coloring pigment subcutaneously using needles. As a result, punctures form on the epidermis and the tissues become inflamed. This is a natural reaction of the body to damage and the introduction of a foreign substance.

So that the result of the correction is not distorted, and the skin recovers faster, the following rules should be followed:

  • for 3 days, treat the skin with disinfectants (appointed by the master);
  • in the first 2 days to wet the eyebrows;
  • avoid overdrying the epidermis. This requires the use of moisturizing and regenerating creams;
  • do not use aggressive products and scrubs for washing, and you also need to wipe your face with napkins or a soft towel so as not to peel off the crusts and cause more skin irritation;
  • do not use decorative cosmetics until the skin is fully restored;
  • when going out into the sun, apply sunscreen to your eyebrows;
  • do not peel off the formed crusts with your hands, they should fall off on their own. And do not comb your skin if itching;
  • to maintain the shape, it is required to pluck out the regrown hairs (next to the treated area) no earlier than after 14 days;
  • within 7-10 days, you can not visit the solarium, baths and saunas, and intensified physical activity is also prohibited.

Correction of permanent eyebrow makeup. How is healing, care

If the skin is recovering slowly or an unnatural reaction of the body is detected, then an urgent appeal to a cosmetologist is required to correct the error.

average price

When performing correction in the salon, the average cost will be from 50 to 60% of the tattoo (provided it is performed in the same salon). The approximate price range is from 2000 to 7000 rubles. Depends on the quantity and quality of the paint used. The price also includes the qualification of the master and the cost of additional funds used in the procedure.

When performing correction at home, the price will be higher by 2000-3000 rubles.This also increases the likelihood of infection. Therefore, the procedure is recommended to be carried out only in specialized salons.

The choice of a permanent makeup correction specialist

When choosing a specialist, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • availability of a certificate for the procedure and portfolio (photo with the results before and after);
  • experience in this field;
  • the master's ability to communicate and understand the client and his desires;
  • price. A quality procedure cannot be cheap;
  • check for reviews on the quality of procedures (on the website or from friends).

Correction of permanent eyebrow makeup. How is healing, care

Make corrections with the same master who did the tattoo, since he is already familiar with the peculiarities of the skin and will carry out the procedure better. Correction from an inexperienced master may end up with the need to completely remove permanent makeup using a laser. To carry out a new main procedure (tattoo), you will need to wait for the restoration of the skin.

How to fix lowering of tattoo along with facial tissues?

Lowering of the tattoo often occurs as a result of tissue aging. To prevent the development of this defect, it is recommended to use specialized anti-aging creams in a timely manner. If aging has started and the permanent tattoo has subsided, then laser correction is required to correct it.

The choice of a specialist is recommended to be made according to the points described above.

Permanent makeup allows you to adjust the desired shape and color of eyebrows for a long time, without the need for daily cosmetics.

When choosing this procedure, it is important to choose the right specialist, as well as to follow the rules of skin care during the recovery period. This will avoid the development of defects and keep the result up to 5 years. For long-term preservation of the result, it is important to correct the tattoo in a timely manner.

Author: Kotlyachkova Svetlana

Article design:Lozinsky Oleg

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