The available pharmacy ointment Solcoseryl is widely used in cosmetic procedures against skin aging and in the fight against wrinkles. Its main advantage is not only the price, but also the naturalness of the composition and the effectiveness of the action. That is why the product has become very popular in modern cosmetology.
Description of the drug
Solcoseryl ointment is a medical preparation that stimulates the regeneration processes of the skin, i.e. improves skin condition after burns, scratches, cuts and other tissue damage without scarring. The main component and active substance is the blood dialysate of young calves. It is an organic concentrate of amino acids, peptides and nucleotides.
The ointment is a fatty substance with a dense yellowish texture with a mild meaty smell.
Useful properties for the epidermis
Ointment Solcoseryl, thanks to moisture-retaining components, is actively used in cosmetology for wrinkles and other skin defects. Organic ingredients moisturize, nourish and soften the skin. Thanks to them, the skin of the face looks saturated with moisture and well-groomed.
The inflammation decreases, the problem of post-acne keloid scars is gradually solved, the complexion is improved, and the contour becomes clearer and tightened. Skin turgor becomes denser and more radiant, and fine wrinkles are smoothed out.

Release forms
The product is available in the form of an ointment, gel and medicinal ampoules. The ointment is more oily and dense, it is more suitable for softening, nourishing and moisturizing dry skin. The gel has a lighter texture, is quickly absorbed and perfectly moisturizes oily skin without leaving a sticky feeling.
You can use the gel even if you have acne.
Solcoseryl ampoules are used for intramuscular administration in the presence of any serious problems, but in cosmetology they are convenient in that they can be added to various masks and creams.
Solcoseryl ointment in cosmetology for wrinkles is most often used because of its composition, the components of which retain moisture well and stimulate collagen production.
In addition to the main active ingredient, the composition includes additional components such as:
- cholesterol- enhances the processes of restoration and regeneration of integuments;
- propylene glycol - moisturizes;
- cetyl alcohol - is used in many professional anti-aging products as a moisture-retaining component;
- white petroleum jelly - protects against moisture loss;
- purified water - moisturizes.
The drug is produced in an aluminum tube packed in a cardboard box.
Instructions for use
Solcoseryl ointment in cosmetology for wrinkles and post-acne scars is widely used. It is not necessary to go to a beautician for mesotherapy injections; it is enough to look at the nearest pharmacy. The ointment enhances metabolic processes in tissues, healing and renewal of the skin is much faster, it smoothes and acquires elasticity.
This mechanism of action copes with scars and scars after surgery. or with the consequences of acne. To get the first results in a week, it is necessary to smear the problem area with ointment every day and rub it in until it is completely absorbed.
There is always a fly in the ointment in any barrel of honey.
You can also say so about this ointment, because, despite the naturalness of the composition, there are contraindications to its use:
- age up to 18 years;
- pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- the presence of cardiovascular pathologies;
- diseases of the kidneys and liver;
- atherosclerosis;
- eye diseases.
If there is any restriction, you can try to use Selkoseril analogues: actovegin, Levomikol ointment or preparations based on vitamin A - Aevit, Radevit.
Adverse reactions
When using the drug for the first time, a sensitivity test must be performed. Apply the ointment to a small area of the skin and wait 24 hours. If during this time there is no hyperemia, irritation or swelling of the skin, then the use of the ointment is permissible.
If any manifestations of an allergic reaction to the components (for example, severe itching or hives) or discomfort after use occur, the drug should be discarded.
Solcoseryl as a basis for masks
To renew and nourish the skin, prevent age-related changes, you can add ointment or ampoules with Solcoseryl to the composition of daily care. Alternatively, do anti-aging or moisturizing face masks. Before such a procedure, you must do a sensitivity test. and thoroughly cleanse the skin from keratinized particles, preferably with a scrub or superficial peeling.
This will improve the penetration of the product into the epidermis. For the prevention of wrinkles, the mask can be done twice a week, and after 45 years in courses of 10-15 procedures.
Solcoseryl mask recipe for wrinkles
This mask is perfect for restoring and nourishing the skin, as well as for the prevention of expression wrinkles. For dry skin, it is recommended to do this mask at least 5 times a month. For oily skin, 1 time per week and a half will be enough. The mask will require 10 ml of aloe juice, the same amount of Solcoseryl gel and 5 ml of sea buckthorn oil.
All components must be mixed in a clean container and applied to clean skin with a spatula. This mask can be kept for an hour. After the procedure, remove the residue with a cotton pad and wash with cool water. The last stage of the procedure is the application of any moisturizer.
Acne mask
For effective prevention of acne, as well as elimination of its consequences in the form of scars and scars, a mask based on Solcoseryl, white coal powder and mandarin oil in equal proportions is widely used. Solcoseryl gel is used as a base.
Before the procedure, it is very important to cleanse and steam the skin using any herbal bath, and then apply the mask for half an hour or an hour. After the procedure, you must carefully remove the remnants of the mask with water and moisturize the skin.
Eye mask
Solcoseryl ointment in cosmetology for wrinkles must be used carefully around the eyes. In this place, the skin is very delicate and sensitive, an allergic reaction may occur. Therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is best to use the gel form of Solcoseryl.
To prepare a mask for the skin around the eyes, you need to take Solcoseryl and grape seed oil in equal proportions. Move them around and refrigerate. Then, with patting movements, hammer into the skin and leave until morning. The only limitation is that this mask is recommended to be done only after 35 years. But for aging skin, this mask is just a godsend.
It not only smoothes wrinkles, but also removes puffiness and signs of fatigue.
Mask with Solcoseryl and Dimexidum
To get a powerful anti-aging effect, make a night mask from a pure preparation every three months, and to get the effect of Botox, add the anti-inflammatory agent Dimexid to the mask, which has an amazing ability to penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis and exert its healing effect there. This mask is made in a course of 10 procedures 2 times a week.
It is necessary to apply the mask as follows:
- wipe your face with Dimexidum;
- dilute Solcoseryl Dimexide in a ratio of 1:10 and apply on the face;
- keep for an hour, if the skin is prone to fading, then the mask can be left overnight;
- after the procedure, rinse your face with warm water.
Mask with Solcoseryl and vitamins
The purpose of such a mask is not only to rejuvenate the skin at home, to make it firm and elastic, but also to saturate it with vitamins and useful microelements.
This mask includes:
- Solcoseryl ointment - 5 g;
- aloe juice - 5 ml;
- ampoules of tocopherol and riboflavin;
- 2 tablets of ascorutin.
The tablets must be crushed to a powdery state and combined with the rest of the preparations. Mix everything. Apply to clean, preferably steamed skin and massage a little. Leave the mask for 20 minutes and then remove the residue with a damp sponge or tissue.
Rejuvenating mask
Such a mask, prepared at home, perfectly tightens the contour of the oval of the face, corrects mimic wrinkles, makes the skin smooth and elastic. This version of the mask is well suited for women over 40. On cleansed and steamed skin, apply Solcoseryl ointment with a layer of 2 mm. Hold for half an hour and remove with a cotton pad.
The ointment is very thick and oily, so the whole mask can not be removed the first time. After that, you need to wash yourself with warm water.
Purifying mask
The purpose of this mask is to deeply cleanse the skin of dead cells of the epidermis, without injuring it and without disturbing the hydro-lipid balance. The mask will improve blood microcirculation and oxygen exchange in the skin. After a course of such procedures, the skin of the face will become smoother and smoother, and it will acquire a good color.
A mask is being prepared based on white, green or blue clay with the addition of 5 g of Solcoseryl ointment and 5 g of pea flour. Mix the components thoroughly in a clean container, if the mask turns out to be very thick, it can be slightly diluted with thermal or micellar water. Before the procedure, it is best to steam the face and only then apply the composition. Soak for 20 minutes, then rinse.
When and what effect to expect from using the ointment
If the ointment is used correctly as a supplement to daily care, the first positive results will be noticeable within a week after the start of application. Due to the active production of collagen, the skin of the face will be smoothed, tightened and acquired a healthy shade to the envy of everyone around.
Ointment Solcoseryl in cosmetology, according to experts, is not a panacea for wrinkles - it will not become a full-fledged alternative to Botox and will not replace daily basic facial skin care procedures. She will become an assistant and diversify care, if you adhere to proper nutrition, ensure adequate sleep and lead a healthy lifestyle.
Video: Solcoseryl ointment
How to use Solcoseryl ointment for facial rejuvenation, find out in the video:
We get rid of wrinkles with Solcoseryl ointment: